According to Armstrong 2006, “Talent management is the use of an integrated set of activities to ensure that the organization attracts, retains, motivates and develops the talented people it needs now and in the future” (Armstrong, 2006)

 It is a systematic process that consists of continuous flow including the levels of recognizing the unoccupied positions, appointing the appropriate persons, equipping the persons with suitable skills according to the position and retaining them to achieve desired organizational goals. Furthermore, talent management is a business strategy refers to attract, develop and retain a superior workforce targeting a high level of performance through competitive advantage.

Process of Talent Management

•    Planning

Initially, organizations should identify their actual requirements for human capital and develop the job scope targeting the next step of recruitment.

•    Attracting

Seeking for talented people who are with capabilities to identify and achieve organizational goals.

•    Recruiting and selecting

Selecting the most qualified and suitable person for the vacancy through interviews and examinations. Positioning the correct person to correct the job according to his or her working capacities.

•    Training and Developing

Educating and developing the selected person in line with the organizational profile and providing them with opportunities to personal development as well as career development.

•    Retaining

How to retain a skilled and experienced workforce within the organization? This is the most essential part since most of the organizations in lack of appropriate strategies to retain its valuable employees. Competitors in the industry usually try to catch talented people from other companies and organizations should have a powerful mechanism to keep their loyal and committed employees.

What are the initiatives that organizations can implement to manage their talented employees?

•    Designing job roles and assigning people according to their working capacities, experiences, and qualifications in view of increasing employee satisfaction, loyalty, and commitment

•    Promotions

Upgrading the responsibilities of employees towards a high level of performance while allowing reasonable monetary benefits.

•    Performance appraisals

Appraise the level of the performances of employees in view of getting a reliable idea about the current position and slandered of the employees. Through this, both employees and employers can take the necessary steps to increase performance levels.

•    Recognition 

Appreciate and recognize employees for their work done and this will help to motivate employees to work hard confidently.

•    Job rotations

Offer the opportunity for employees to learn and work in all the positions in the organization and this may cause them to get practical knowledge about the workflow with an enhancement for skills.

Work-Life Balance

  Take the necessary steps to maintain the work-life balance of employees flexibly since employees may leave organizations due to conflicts between their personal and work life.

•    Succession Planning.

Organizations should have a reliable and strong employee replacing mechanism to identify and develop the next generation to take over the job responsibilities towards the sustainability of the organization.

Anon., 2017. SolutionDots. [Online]
Available at: https://solutiondots.com/blog/talent-management-process/
[Accessed 2nd July 2019].
Armstrong, M., 2006. A Hand Book of Human Resource Management Practice. 10th edition ed. London: Kogan Page Limited.


  1. Talent management refers to the anticipation of required human capital for an organization and the planning to meet those needs.👍

  2. Effective Talent management can be used as a strategy to obtain a competitive advantage among other competitors.
    Further, it is the responsibility of management to develop the skills and talents of employees and to retain them while improving the level of employee loyalty and commitment towards the organization.

  3. In fact, talent management plays an important role in the business strategy since it manages one of the important assets of the organization its people. That is why organization should make the effort to effectively manage the employees to help them develop their skills and capabilities in order to retain them.

    1. Yes. An organization should have a strong talent management mechanism to attract and stay talented, skilled and qualified employees in long term basis.

      Talent management should be a continuing and updating process since the success behind an organization is its workforce, containing highly valuable, loyal and skilled employees.

  4. Everything that is done to recruit, develop, retain, reward and make employees perform better is a part of talent management.

    1. People are the most precious and demanding asset for an organization and their talents have to be managed effectively and efficiently within all types of HR activities such as recruitment, development, training, rewarding, retaining, etc.

      Talented workforce creates a competitive advantage and it can be considered as an inimitable asset which the company belongs to.

  5. Talent management refers to the anticipation of required human capital for an organization and the planning to meet those needs.[1] The field increased in popularity after McKinsey's 1997 research.

  6. Everything done to recruit, retain, develop, reward and make people perform forms a part of talent management as well as strategic workforce planning. A talent-management strategy should link to business strategy to function more appropriately.

  7. The profession that supports talent management became increasingly formalized in the early 2000s. While some authors defined the field as including nearly everything associated with human resources, the NTMN defined the boundaries of the field through surveys of those in corporate talent management departments in 2009–2011.

  8. Activities within talent management included succession planning, assessment, development and high potential management. Activities such as performance management and talent acquisition (recruiting) were less frequently included in the remit of corporate talent management practitioners.

  9. Talent management is an organization's ability to recruit, retain, and produce the most talented employees available in the job market. Talent consistently uncovers benefits in these critical economic areas: revenue, customer satisfaction, quality, productivity, cost, cycle time, and market capitalization. Having good talent management is when one has good skills, knowledge, cognitive abilities, and the potential to do well.

  10. The key feature of talent management is "Talent acquisition" . In today, organizations spend lots of money for talent acquisition process. The utmost important factors are in this process are identify the right talent & make the possession on their mind to select the organization as their employer.

  11. Talent management is a business strategy that organizations hope will enable them to retain their topmost talented and skilled employees. Just like employee involvement or employee recognition

  12. In my opinion it is most difficult to retain talents in he organization. In your point of view what actions do we need to take to overcome this situation?

  13. Talent management is essential for an organization to achieve its goals with the HR they have. the trend is that, talent management has taken a global approach today which the HR managers must address


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